I am back in the Great White North! Is Canada still called that? Anyways, I got back to Montreal two days ago and am seriously so happy to be back! I've lived in the suburbs (of New Jersey, no less!) all my life and being in cities is still so invigorating, inspiring and exciting for me. Even my summer course, Introduction to Prehistoric Archeology, is looking promising. Can I just say that rocks have never been cooler?
I am loving being back, but it would be wrong for me to not fully express how much I love my little fam and being home with them. One particular day before I came back, I made a random tart with some deliciously sweet leftover ingredients we had in the fridge. I was in the mood for some coffee and sweetness, so I grabbed Beatrice Peltre's Tartine Gourmande cookbook and made her sweet crust to go with my filling. A wonderful choice of action, if I do say so myself.
The best part of this gastronomic venture, though, was having a fun time with my mama and baby sis. Those two make me laugh so much. Mama and I are way into Downton Abbey and so I told her that I wanted to pretend we were the Crawley ladies when we took our tea. hahahaha. Yeah, whatever, I am a nerd. And also secretly Cybil Crawley.
I love you mama and hermanita :)

hehe fun times. God bless this week :)