
bonjour! this blog was hashed out during a (rare) sunday morning stroll up mount royal during the oh so stressful exam season between a little girl hailing from new jersey and her taller friend from vancouver. our personalities and preferences are just as different as the two cities. while we have entirely different tastes, we still share a passion for food, style, and cultural journalism. these are our thoughts!

esther jung/ ej
i like to indulge in dark chocolate and mint tea. currently smitten with maps and fall days. most likely the only r&b and rap music enthusiast in the city of indie music, montreal.

find me at www.estherjung13.blogspot.com

caitlin condit/ coco
i love explorations, adventures and all ensuing shenanigans. bookstores, airports, and spring days are the best. currently lovin' on soaps wrapped in pretty paper and throwing dinner parties.

find me at www.littlebiddie.blogspot.com