Last week, my roommate (and one of my BFF's in Montreal!) graduated. She even had the nerve to leave the country, move, and take an incredibly cool internship. What is that roomie?!?
Anyways, we obviously had to celebrate our grad with an amazing all-grown-up style dinner. The lady of the day was feelin' some Japanese so we decided to try out Ginger restaurant on Avenue des Pins. Here's a sassy, somewhat informative review from Eatwellmontreal. Our dinner that night was the first time I have had hot sake with my dinner. AND OH. WOW. How good is sake? Why did I never know this? My definition of sake is as follows: Deee-licious and warm and smooth with a feisty finish. I am most likely a sake connoisseur by now.
Anyways, here are some lovely little pics!
The aesthetics of Ginger seemed super simple at first, a bit too plain. But, once the owner brought out the candles, whilst simultaneously dancing to *NSYNC (we cannot hold this against him), the soft light fell over the restaurant and the ambiance was transformed. Crazy what a little light can do.
Have a bright sunshiny day :)
coco xx
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