Wednesday, May 16, 2012

spring fever

spring, the transition between winter to summer, is very much noticeable out in the east coast (montreal, i'm looking at your -40 winters). the snow melts, birds are actually chirping, the temperatures rise above 0, and one might even have a 'lil bit of a spring in their daily commute. now that i have been exposed to what spring brings, i've started to appreciate and look forward to it.

higher temperatures also means desserts. recently, i discovered that we have an ice cream machine - um HELLO, why did i not know of this existence? i don't know if i'm in the minority, but i love the tart like taste it brings. also, you can add toppings - enough said.

i made strawberry frozen yogurt. here's how i made it:
slice strawberries, add sugar, let it rest for an hour.
in a food processor, add greek yogurt and the mixture
pour it in the ice cream maker, when finished add whatever toppings you want - voila!

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