Cozy blanket wrapped around me, volupsa candles lit, and a big cup of peppermint tea beside me, I think I am ready to tackle this blog post. Slight hiatus on our part (whoops).
This past semester was intense, hence the lack of posts. Hopefully we will be able to blog more frequently this semester because it's our last semester! I can think of so many days where I would think to myself, "I can't believe I'm only in my second year, when is school going to be over?" Now, its surreal to think that in less than 6 months, I'll be clutching onto my diploma as I walk across the stage- hoping not to trip in my heels and graduating with my classmates, who I probably know 10 out of the seven hundred and something in my year.
But, to the 10 people I know oh-so-well, I am so grateful that God placed these people in my life. Each person is so unique in his or her own way and their friendship is something I will value and cherish for the rest of my life. Friday night dinners and adventures, concerts, arguing over who can eat the last brownie, watching countless youtube interviews, speaking in strange dialects and accents, talking about our goals and futures over coffee, and yes, even studying, have been consistent activities since year 1. And while my life may seem boring to some, these little moments have fixated my heart.
I couldn't help but feel so blessed- i know, so cliche, about the rich friendships God has provided for me. In particular, I couldn't help but reflect on my friendship with one of my dearest friends, M. M is my confidant and sister in Christ. Wiser than beyond her years, her actions and character have really impacted how I view not only society and law, but also how I should treat others. She's one of the most loyal, sympathetic, kind, and hard working girls you'll ever meet. She also happens to casually send the best care packages. Like, I'm talking about mixed CDs and a life size poster of Harry Styles. Wow right? So M, if you're reading this, thanks for everything x.
And yes, I realize that this post turned into a sappy friendship post, but you know what... it's my blog. So hatersgonnahate.